A new bag of buttons from the thrift store to add to a colorful collection of jars on the shelf.Wooden thread spools, some that belonged to my grandmother. I love their simplicity. Scraps of yarn from making more of those little coffee cuffs that just can’t stop being made! Hanging flower motif=inspiration for a new project. Words that make my heart flutter each time I read them, spoken by my sweet boy into my ear upon tucking him into bed one night. I love the reminder, so I wrote it on my studio chalkboard door. A year of giving thanks…one of my 2013 “resolutions”. I write down what I am grateful for right in that very instant, put it inside the box and in one year I can look back on them and recount my blessingsGetting started on a linocut project for a friend…finally!The mending box seems to keep growing…time to tackle it, I think. Currently reading and getting ideas from these library books.I set up a new space in the studio for the boys to do their own crafting. I’d really like to paint the wall, peg board and table, but for now it’s a useful little corner, albeit slightly drab.
Have a wonderful week, everybody!
Filed under: coffee, crafting, crochet, studio Tagged: buttons, crafting, creativity, crochet, diy, projects, studio, style, upcycling, yarn